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Friday, August 09, 2024

You Can Make Someone's Day

Ok, I don't deny that life is a series of ups and downs, and everyone has their own struggles, often hidden from view but while we can't always see what others are going through, small acts of kindness can have a surprisingly large impact. These little gestures can brighten someone’s day and remind us all of the goodness in the world. Today, I want to share a personal story that perfectly illustrates this.

It's often the smallest acts of kindness that make the biggest difference. A smile, a kind word, or a simple gesture can turn someone’s day around. These moments of connection remind us that we are not alone and that there is always a reason to hope and find joy.

One day when I was out for a walk around lunchtime, I noticed a little girl at a bus stop with her mother. She saw me coming and smiled and waved. I waved back at her, which she liked. As I got closer, she held up her little hand. I had just passed her when I realised that she was giving me a high-five. I stopped, turned, and held my hand in front of her hand. She slapped my palm with her little hand then bounded over to her mother with a big, excited smile on her face. That small incident made me smile the whole day whenever I thought about it. Really, how little do we need to be happy!

I remember a quote "I find that when someone says I made their day, it makes mine as well." 

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

7 Steps to Packing Like a Pro

Now that I have been travelling a lot in the cheap airlines where you get the underseat bag allowance for free I have almost mastered the art of packing light. Here are my guidelines. 


1. Choose the Right Bag

Think light backpack, not suitcase. No wheels, no big handles, no bulging front pockets, no heavy bodies. Light, easy to carry and something you can have with you every single of the day the long weekend trip of you want. Ensure it has multiple pockets and sections to help you stay organised.

2. Clothes Take Space

Wear the heavy ones you need and dare to leave the rest behind. I buy two-three tshirts from there which serve as tshirts there and as souvenirs to bring back. I told you I was smarter than I look, didn't I?

3. Toiletries: Essentials Only

Buy small bottles from Amazon and pack everything you need in small quantities - shampoo, sunscreen, conditioner, even cologne. If you need makeup, do the same with that Leave the expensive electric toothbrush at home and take either a cheap electric or manual toothbrush. 

On one trip to Norway, I even left my shaver and bought some normal, disposable razors there. Used 2 and binned the rest. They were cheap. 

Remember, most hotels provide basic toiletries so don't overdo it. 

4. Tech and Gadgets

Depends on what you really need but when I am working remotely I pack a light laptop and a little bluetooth mouse. I have powerful wall chargers with multiple ports that can charge my laptop, phone, smartwatch, camera and anything else I need. Get one that has an adapter in it as well

Take a couple of small lightweight power banks. The 10000mAh ones are pretty light these days. 

Limit your tech to the bare necessities:

  • Smartphone (with charger)
  • Headphones
  • Travel adapter

Leave the laptop and other gadgets at home, if you don't plan to work there.

5. Documents and Money

Use a slim travel wallet to keep your essentials:

  • Passport
  • Travel insurance
  • Credit cards and a small amount of local currency
  • Boarding passes and hotel confirmations (digital copies on your phone can work but always better to have backup.)

6. Miscellaneous Essentials

A few small items can make a big difference:

  • Reusable water bottle
  • Snacks for the journey
  • Sunglasses
  • A hat or cap (I sometimes buy one in a souvenir shop there)
  • A small, foldable reusable bag (Search Day pack on Amazon, they are very useful for those in-between days there). 

7. Packing Tips

  • Roll, Don’t Fold: Rolling clothes saves space and reduces wrinkles.
  • Utilise Pockets: Use your bag’s compartments and pockets for small items.
  • Wear Bulky Items: If you need boots or a heavy coat, wear them on the plane to save space in your bag.

Before you leave, do a final check:

  • Can you carry your bag comfortably under your seat?
  • Do you have all your essentials?
  • Have you left out non-essentials?
Safe travels!

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Every Step Counts

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." -Confucius

I had a teacher who was very fond of saying "Rome wasn't built in a day."  They are comforting words when you feel like you are standing still while the world is rushing around you, everybody is achieving, things, becoming successful, getting ahead in life while you are...getting left behind. 

When you feel like that, think about the wisdom from Confucius. In a world where speed seems to be the ultimate measure of success, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We are constantly bombarded with messages urging us to move faster, achieve more, and never settle. It’s in this high-speed chase that ' timeless words offer a different approach, a different mindset. 

This quote is a gentle reminder that progress isn’t always about speed. It’s about persistence and the determination to keep moving forward, no matter how slow the pace might seem. There’s a certain beauty in this perspective, one that values steady effort over frantic haste.

Think about it - how many times have you felt pressured to rush through tasks, only to end up making mistakes or feeling burnt out? The speed is NOT the sign of success, persistence is. It’s okay to take your time, to move at a pace that feels right for you. The key is not to stop, to keep pushing forward even if your steps are small.

Life is full of challenges and setbacks, but adopting a mindset of steady progress can make these obstacles feel less daunting. When you accept that it’s okay to move slowly, you give yourself the grace to navigate difficulties without the added pressure of unrealistic expectations.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Can ChatGPT Be Your Personal Chef?

The short answer is - No! ChatGPT cannot make food for you, it has no hands. But, it can help you eat well and healthy if you know how to use it. I use ChatGPT as my personal genie of the lamp that can take any form that I need it to take. 

Recently I realised that my breakfast is too unhealthy and I am getting fatter which is not a good look on me. Considering that I have high blood pressure it's even more important for me that I eat healthy and try to be as fit as I can. I had recently started using ChatGPT to help me create content, so I thought as long as I am paying for it, why not use it to better my life a bit more than spellchecking my blog posts? Here's what I did. 

I told it about me, that I am vegetarian, but I eat eggs, I have high blood pressure and I would like to eat healthy breakfast but, I would not have time to cook breakfast for more than 15-20 minutes and I will not eat anything that does not taste good. With these things in mind, I asked it to tell me which groceries I should order. 

Voila! It gave me a long list of things divided by category with some of them having more than one option like almond butter or peanut butter. I went on and ordered everything except fruits. I have found that fruits I can get cheaper and better from Lidl. When the groceries arrived, I told ChatGPT that things had arrived except fruits and told it to make notes that I have these things available now for cooking. 

Two days later, I went to Lidl, got fruits and vegetables and also some other things like Peri Peri sauce which I like. While I was there, I laid everything up in the cart so that nothing was covering anything else. I took a photo and uploaded it to ChatGPT on my phone. I told it to make a note of the things it saw in the photos. It gave me a list of things it could see in the photo. Sweet!

Next morning I asked ChatGPT "Tell me what I can make for breakfast that will be quick to make and healthy. Only use the stuff I have at home." 

It gave me a suggestion for a egg scramble with spinach, onions, green peppers etc and gave me the whole recipe. It looked promising. 

I have the CMF phone by Nothing and the CMF Buds Pro 2. The advantage I have is that I can tap and hold on the earbud and it launches ChatGPT in conversation mode. I made it tell me each step as I was cooking and when it went too fast (it does that a lot) I made it repeat itself. I could also ask follow-up questions like "How much turmeric should I put?" 

The breakfast was amazing! I have made it twice more since then by myself. Now that I know what the steps are I can stagger them and do stuff in parallel so it takes less time, about 15 minutes. Not  a lot of washing up to do as well. 

Another day I asked it for a dinner suggestion. It told me how to make a veg stir fry. It was heavenly! It was too much so I ate half of that for lunch next day.

Today, I was feeling very demotivated about lunch so ended up asking ChatGPT. It told me how to make Quesadilla's. I like Quesadilla's so I was game. Oh, they turned out so nice (picture above). 

I can always tell is when I have run out of something and add anything new that I buy. I just open the same chat again and ask it for suggestions. The dishes have all been yummy so far, and knowing they are heathy as well is cherry on the cake. 

Would you risk asking AI to help you eat healthy? 

[You can find the Quesadillas recipe on my blog pages here

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Morning Walk: A Surprising Blessing

The Morning Walk Miracle: A Personal Journey

I am not a morning person, ok? My favourite when I was younger was to sleep till noon on weekend. I used to be proud of that. I am not that bad now as I changed to biphasic sleep and I always have a thousand and one projects going on so getting up early became a necessity. But my morning starts with checking my email, not walking and all. If you'd told me a few months ago that I'd become one of "those" people, I'd have laughed in your face. But here we are. 

My Forced Start

I started a half an hour walk everyday on doctor's advice as it can help manage blood pressure but I chose lunch time for not morning. Then on my friend's advice, I moved it to morning. I was already getting up early so I was willing to sacrifice my email checking and other projects time for the walk and shift them to lunch time. 

Honestly, I had not expect such a huge difference between lunch time walk and morning walk. It was easy to brush my teeth and get out rather than turn on the computer, but the difference in the feeling, and the outcome in the day, that was remarkable! 

The Quiet Calm

The first thing that struck me was the tranquillity - fewer cars on the road, fewer people around, not much noise from the shops and people, a huge difference that felt very...well, tranquil. Even though I followed the same route, it felt so much different. In a good way. 

Unexpected Benefits

Once I started, it became easier to keep doing it. Rather than it becoming a morning chore it became something I look forward to. It gives my day a great start. I would keep doing it just for the mental clarity. The sense of accomplishment that I get from this is also something I like. I find it easier to focus at work, I am not giving that credit to the morning but, well, I haven't changed anything else. I feel less stressed by getting a few things out of the, the morning walk, followed by pranayam, and then shower. By the time I make breakfast I am feeling like Bond. 

Beauty of Nature

I am lucky that my area is very nice and it is summer. I come across many front gardens, pretty trees and green fields. This will change in winter but there will the fall colours, and other things to enjoy, I am sure. 

Health Perks

I also started to notice some physical benefits. My energy levels are up, and I feel fitter. It was quite a dramatic transformation, that made me feel good about myself. Starting my day with a bit of exercise gives me a smug sense of accomplishment that’s hard to beat. I also noticed that it helped in my stamina for dancing (another story, another time), I don't get tired so easily, my knees don't hurt, and the soles of my feet are not sore. I have not gone for a trip since I started this but I think it will help me wander around a new city as well. 

A Personal Reflection

Although, I myself have hated this advice anytime anyone has suggested it before, still I m daring to give you this advice - try it! 

Give It a Go

I’m not asking you to commit to anything drastic. Just try one. Maybe tomorrow, or the next time you have an hour to spare in the morning, try a small walk - twenty to thirty minutes. Then feel the difference. Who knows, you might want to carry on. 

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Foods You Must Try in Paris: A Vegetarian’s Guide


When you're in Paris, it’s not just about the iconic landmarks and romantic walks; it’s also about indulging in some of the best food the city has to offer. As a vegetarian, you might think your options are limited in this meat-loving city, but fear not! Paris is brimming with delicious vegetarian and vegan delights. Here’s your ultimate guide to enjoying a week of fantastic food in Paris, divided by breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 1: Arrival in Paris


  • Dish: Fresh Croissants and Pain au Chocolat
  • Where: Du Pain et des Idées (34 Rue Yves Toudic)
  • Description: Start your Parisian adventure with these buttery, flaky pastries. Grab a seat and pair them with a café au lait. Bliss!


  • Dish: Ratatouille
  • Where: Le Potager du Marais (24 Rue Rambuteau)
  • Description: This classic Provençal dish of stewed vegetables is a hearty and healthy choice.


  • Dish: Vegetarian Crêpes
  • Where: Breizh Café (109 Rue Vieille du Temple)
  • Description: Choose from a variety of savoury crêpes, filled with cheese, mushrooms, spinach, and more. Don’t forget to try the cider!

Day 2: Exploring the City


  • Dish: Tartine
  • Where: Café de Flore (172 Boulevard Saint-Germain)
  • Description: A simple yet satisfying breakfast of fresh baguette with butter and jam. Pair it with a hot chocolate or coffee.


  • Dish: Falafel Sandwich
  • Where: L’As du Fallafel (34 Rue des Rosiers)
  • Description: The Marais district is famous for its falafel, and L’As du Fallafel serves the best. It's a busy spot, but worth the wait. Vegan option available.


  • Dish: Stuffed Bell Peppers
  • Where: Le Grenier de Notre-Dame (18 Rue de la Bûcherie)
  • Description: These delicious bell peppers are stuffed with rice, vegetables, and herbs. A cozy spot with a lovely view of Notre Dame.

Day 3: Art and Culture


  • Dish: Acai Bowl
  • Where: Wild & The Moon (55 Rue Charlot)
  • Description: Kickstart your day with a nutritious and Instagram-worthy acai bowl. Vegan-friendly!


  • Dish: Quiche Lorraine (Vegetarian)
  • Where: Le Fumoir (6 Rue de l’Amiral de Coligny)
  • Description: This place offers a fantastic vegetarian version of the classic quiche. Perfect for a midday break.


  • Dish: Mushroom Risotto
  • Where: Le Jardin des Pâtes (4 Rue Lacépède)
  • Description: A delightful dish of creamy risotto with mushrooms, perfect for a cozy dinner after a long day of museum hopping.

Day 4: Market Day


  • Dish: Vegan Pancakes
  • Where: Hôtel Amour (8 Rue de Navarin)
  • Description: Enjoy fluffy vegan pancakes topped with fresh fruit. A trendy spot to start your day.


  • Dish: Vegetarian Sushi
  • Where: Rice & Fish (16 Rue Greneta)
  • Description: Fresh, inventive, and delicious vegetarian sushi rolls. Great for a light and refreshing lunch.


  • Dish: Vegan Burger
  • Where: Hank Burger (55 Rue des Archives)
  • Description: Sink your teeth into a delicious vegan burger with all the trimmings. This place knows how to make vegan fast food exciting!

Day 5: The Classics


  • Dish: Fresh Fruit and Yogurt Parfait
  • Where: Le Pain Quotidien (Multiple Locations)
  • Description: A refreshing and healthy start to your day with layers of fresh fruit, granola, and yogurt.


  • Dish: French Onion Soup (Vegetarian)
  • Where: Le Potager du Marais (24 Rue Rambuteau)
  • Description: This hearty soup is traditionally made with beef broth, but this restaurant offers a vegetarian version that's just as rich and satisfying.


  • Dish: Veggie Pizza
  • Where: Pink Flamingo (67 Rue Bichat)
  • Description: Enjoy a variety of creative and delicious vegetarian pizzas. Perfect for a relaxed evening.

Day 6: Sweet Tooth Day


  • Dish: Vegan Pastries
  • Where: VG Pâtisserie (123 Boulevard Voltaire)
  • Description: Indulge in some of the best vegan pastries Paris has to offer. A must-visit for any sweet tooth.


  • Dish: Caprese Sandwich
  • Where: Holybelly (5 Rue Lucien Sampaix)
  • Description: Fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil on a crusty baguette. Simple and delicious.


  • Dish: Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni
  • Where: Il Gelato del Marchese (3 Rue des Quatre Vents)
  • Description: This Italian eatery serves a fantastic vegetarian cannelloni that's perfect for dinner.

Day 7: Farewell Paris


  • Dish: Chia Seed Pudding
  • Where: Season (1 Rue Dupuis)
  • Description: Start your final day in Paris with a healthy and delicious chia seed pudding. Vegan-friendly.


  • Dish: Vegetarian Couscous
  • Where: Chez Omar (47 Rue de Bretagne)
  • Description: A flavourful and hearty dish that will fill you up before your journey home.


  • Dish: Eggplant Parmesan
  • Where: East Mamma (133 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine)
  • Description: End your trip on a high note with this delicious Italian classic. A delightful and satisfying way to bid adieu to Paris.

Summary Table

1Fresh Croissants and Pain au ChocolatRatatouilleVegetarian Crêpes
2TartineFalafel SandwichStuffed Bell Peppers
3Acai BowlQuiche Lorraine (Vegetarian)Mushroom Risotto
4Vegan PancakesVegetarian SushiVegan Burger
5Fresh Fruit and Yogurt ParfaitFrench Onion Soup (Vegetarian)Veggie Pizza
6Vegan PastriesCaprese SandwichSpinach and Ricotta Cannelloni
7Chia Seed PuddingVegetarian CouscousEggplant Parmesan

And that's your guide to a full week of vegetarian culinary delights in Paris. Whether you’re a strict vegetarian or just looking to try something different, these dishes and spots are sure to make your Parisian adventure even more memorable. Bon appétit!

Friday, August 02, 2024

A Stroll Through Paris: Moments and Monuments

When I was going to Paris my friend Paul suggested me to take this walk and he impressed upon me that I must do this. This was a one-hour walk and the route passed through many of Paris' well-known historical spots. I want to tell you the story of that walk because I want to entice you into doing it yourself when you are in Paris. 

Starting Point: The Louvre

First stop, the Louvre. As I stood there, outside the iconic glass pyramid, I couldn’t help but feel like I was in the opening scene of a French rom-com. The sheer size and grandeur of the museum made me feel tiny, but in a good way. There were tourists snapping selfies left and right, and I thought, "When in Paris..." But I took my selfies quickly because I had other targets in mind. Am I the only person on Earth who has no desire to see the Mona Lisa? 

Jardin des Tuileries: Green Bliss

Leaving the Louvre behind, I meandered through the Jardin des Tuileries. This place is like a green oasis in the middle of the city. Picture this: manicured lawns, statues that look like they might come to life at any moment, and ponds that mirror the sky. Other than just be a nice place to look at, this garden was a place to come and relax in the middle of your day, the cool fountains, the shady, tree-lined walks and the benches, so many benches inviting you to sit a spell. This is where I thought "The French really know how to live." 

I made it as far as the gate on the other side then I found a bench that seemed to have my name on it. I plopped down, turned off my camera and just sat there, soaking in the moment. Near me was the Luxor Obelisk with two famous fountains flanking it, numerous museums all around and in the distance, peeking its head about the trees the Eiffel Tower. The perfect setting if you want to become a poet. For a moment, I did consider writing poetry but instead, I just took a deep breath and enjoyed the view. It was some view! 

Historical Vibes at Place de la Concorde

Next up, Place de la Concorde. This square is dripping with history and grandeur. The fountains were doing their thing, spraying water majestically, and the Luxor Obelisk was obelisking, standing tall, looking ancient and important. I took a moment to snap some photos, mostly of the fountains, because who doesn’t love a good fountain pic?  I won't bore you with it now but you must Google the Obelisk to read its history and how it got to Paris. It's quite a story. 

Champs-Élysées: Café Culture

As I passed the Place de la Concorde, I hit the Champs-Élysées. I am still proud of the fact that I know how to pronounce it. When I read its name the first time in a book, I used to pronounce it phonetically, now I laugh at it. It was in my one semester of French that I learnt how to pronounce it (shaanze-leezey) and what an important road it is. 

This avenue is like the red carpet of Paris, lined with shops, theatres, and cafes. I couldn't resist the pull of a quaint little cafe. I ordered a pastry and a coffee, and for a while, just watched the world go by. There’s something oddly satisfying about sipping coffee and nibbling on a dessert while pretending to be world-traveller. Très chic, right?

Final Climb: Arc de Triomphe

Finally, I made my way to the Arc de Triomphe. This beast of a monument was the cherry on top of my Parisian sundae. I decided to climb to the top because...well, I needed the photos if nothing else. The circular staircase was a bit much, and I saw three people give up halfway. But I kept going, motivated by the promise of an epic view. And boy, was it worth it! From the top, the Eiffel Tower looked imposing and picturesque, and the streets below formed a perfect star. It was one of those moments where you just have to stop and take it all in.

Two days ago, I had taken photos of the Arc de Triomphe from the top of the Eiffel Tower, now the Arc returned the favour. I clicked a lot of photos, there. A lot. 

Your mission should you choose to accept it...

My walk from the Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe was more than just a stroll; it was an adventure through the heart of Paris. If you ever find yourself in this magical city, take this walk. It might take you an hour, or three if you dawdle like I did. But trust me, it's worth every second. Try it, and let the magic of Paris sweep you off your feet.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Why did the Sunny cross the road?

 "Sunny, why do you spend all your money on travelling?"

Ah, that's a good one! I get asked this a lot by my friends, and every time my answer is pretty much the same - because travelling is life, mate! Seriously, think about it. We're here on this planet for, what, eighty-odd years if we're lucky? Why wouldn't you want to see as much of it as possible?

The Thrill of the Unknown

Travelling is like being a kid again. Remember the excitement of exploring new places, not knowing what's around the corner? That's what every trip feels like. Whether it's the chaotic streets of Bangkok or the tranquil fjords of Norway, there's always something unexpected waiting to blow you away. And let's be honest, life's too short for boring routine!

It's More Than Just Sightseeing

Sure, ticking off famous landmarks is great, but travelling is more about the experiences. It's about getting lost in a new city, trying food you can't pronounce, and meeting people who show you that there's more than one way to live this life. I mean, I've had my best conversations with strangers in tiny cafés and shared meals with families who didn't speak a word of English. It's those moments that stick with you, not the selfies in front of monuments. Sitting down on the floor in an airport halfway around the world to charge your dying phone is as much of an experience as walking in slush in falling snow in Salzburg to visit a Christmas market. I have done both and look back at them as fond memories. 

Growth and Perspective

Travel has this sneaky way of changing you. You start seeing things differently, appreciating the small stuff. Like, I used to stress over the smallest things, but after you've navigated a foreign country where you can't read the signs or understand the language, everything else seems manageable. Plus, it makes you realise how much we all have in common, no matter where we're from.

Depend on the Kindness of Strangers

A quote I read in a hotel room wall in Vienna has become my favourite travel quote - "Travel is hard; it makes us depend on the kindness of strangers." This is so true! When you're out of your comfort zone, you learn to trust and rely on people more. And you know what? Most of the time, people are genuinely kind and helpful. It's a humbling experience and reminds you that despite all the bad news we hear, there's a lot of good in the world.

Why I Blow My Savings on It

People often say I’m crazy for spending all my savings on travel. But think about it – money can always be earned back. Time? Not so much. When I'm old and grey, I want to look back and remember the adventures, the people, and the places, not the stuff I bought or the bills I paid. Plus, every trip is an investment in myself. It’s like adding layers to who I am, each place, each experience making me a better, more rounded person.

This is Living the Life

I get so many stories from my travels, some good, some of trouble, but all of them dear to me, especially after the fact. Travelling adds a lot more experience to my life than just doing the 9-5 existence. 

The Final Truth

So yeah, that's why I do it. Travelling isn't just a hobby; it's a way of life. It’s challenging, exhilarating, and incredibly rewarding. It's about growing, learning, and embracing the unknown. So next time you see me packing my bags, know that it's because I'm off to find the next great adventure. Life's too short to just live and die in one little corner of the world, I think. What do you think? 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How *I* really is AI?



Hey there! Let’s dive into some everyday fun with our favourite digital sidekick – AI. While these tech marvels make our lives easier, they sometimes have their funny moments that leave us scratching our heads or laughing out loud. Here are some of the best AI bloopers that’ll give you a good chuckle.

Smart Compose Silliness

Ever been typing an email and had Google's Smart Compose suggest the weirdest endings? Imagine this: you start with "I need to reschedule our meeting," and Smart Compose finishes with "because my pet iguana just gave birth." What?! These oddball suggestions can turn a boring email into a comedy sketch. It's like having a quirky co-writer who loves throwing in random twists. The other day, I was writing "Thanks for your help," and Smart Compose decided it should be "Thanks for your hilarious jokes." Not quite what I was going for, but okay, Google!​ (Beebom)​​ (Team Calendar)

Virtual Assistant Antics

Our virtual assistants – Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant – are supposed to make life easier, right? Well, sometimes they make it way more entertaining. One day, I asked Alexa to "play relaxing music," and instead, my living room was filled with heavy metal. Apparently, Alexa thought I needed to chill out with some serious headbanging. And then there was the time I asked Siri to "remind me to call Mom," and she responded with, "Okay, reminding you to call bomb squad." Umm, not quite what I meant, Siri​ (Team Calendar)​.

Autocorrect Adventures

Autocorrect: the gift that keeps on giving. We’ve all had those moments where it turns our texts into complete gibberish. Like when "I'm on my way" becomes "I'm on my waffle." Friends might think you’ve developed a new breakfast obsession. Once, I tried to text a friend "Let’s meet at the cafe" and autocorrect changed it to "Let’s meet at the cage." Suddenly, our casual coffee date sounded like a plan for a wrestling match. Who knew setting up a simple hangout could become so wild?​ (IEEE Transmitter)​​ (Team Calendar)

Chatbot Comedy

Customer service chatbots are supposed to be helpful – unless they go off-script. Picture this: you ask a bot for travel tips to Italy, and it responds with detailed steps on how to boil pasta. While it’s nice to know how to cook spaghetti, it’s not quite the travel advice you were after. Or when you’re trying to book a flight, and the bot insists you need a “time machine” instead of a “morning flight.” Talk about getting lost in translation. It’s these moments that make you wonder if bots are having a little fun at our expense​ (Datafloq)​.

Facial Recognition Fails

Facial recognition tech is supposed to be super smart, but sometimes it has a sense of humour. After growing a beard, my phone refused to recognize me. It’s like it was saying, “Who is this stranger?!” Or when you get a new haircut, and suddenly your phone’s security features act like you’ve gone incognito. It’s as if our devices are throwing a mini identity crisis intervention every time we change our look. Who knew our gadgets could be so picky about appearances?​ (Team Calendar)

Smart Home Hiccups

Smart home devices can sometimes act more like mischievous roommates. Like when your smart thermostat decides you need to freeze and sets the temperature to Arctic levels because it misinterpreted your location. Or when your smart fridge suggests recipes based on expired ingredients, leaving you with a “creative” menu of mystery meals. It’s these little quirks that make living with AI an adventure every day. Once, my smart speaker randomly started playing birthday songs at midnight – and no, it wasn’t my birthday. Thanks for the serenade, AI!​ (IEEE Transmitter)​​ (Team Calendar)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Double-edged Sword of Social Media

Social media has become this beast like keeping a tiger as a pet, it's cool, it's fun, but if things get out of are dinner! Social media is now an integral part of our lives, influencing how we communicate, consume information, and interact with the world. While it has numerous benefits, such as connecting people and fostering communities, it also presents significant challenges. 

What you must love

  1. Connecting People Globally: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have bridged geographical gaps, allowing people to stay connected with friends and family worldwide. This global connectivity fosters cultural exchange and understanding, making the world feel smaller and more accessible.

  2. Information and Awareness: Social media is a powerful tool for disseminating information rapidly. It plays a crucial role in raising awareness about social issues, mobilising support for causes, and providing real-time updates during emergencies. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo gained momentum through social media, highlighting its potential for driving social change.

  3. Business and Marketing: For businesses, social media offers an unparalleled platform for marketing and brand engagement. Companies can reach their target audience more effectively, engage with customers, and build brand loyalty. Small businesses, in particular, benefit from the cost-effective advertising opportunities provided by social media.

What you can't avoid

  1. Mental Health Concerns: Prolonged use of social media can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The constant comparison with others’ seemingly perfect lives can create feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It's essential to recognise these signs and take breaks when needed.

  2. Spread of Misinformation: One of the significant challenges of social media is the rapid spread of misinformation and fake news. This can lead to confusion, panic, and even harm, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's crucial to verify the information from credible sources before sharing it.

  3. Privacy Issues: Social media platforms often require users to share personal information, which can be misused. Privacy concerns are prevalent, with data breaches and misuse of personal data becoming increasingly common. Users must be vigilant about their privacy settings and the information they share online.

Try to tame the tiger

  1. Set Boundaries: Limit your screen time and set specific times for checking social media. This helps prevent addiction and ensures you have time for offline activities.

  2. Curate Your Feed: Follow accounts that inspire and uplift you. Unfollow or mute accounts that cause stress or negativity. Your social media experience should be positive and enriching.

  3. Verify Information: Always fact-check information before sharing it. Use credible sources and be wary of sensationalist headlines.

  4. Engage Positively: Use social media to connect with loved ones, join communities that interest you, and support causes you care about. Positive engagement can enhance your social media experience.

  5. Protect Your Privacy: Regularly review your privacy settings and be mindful of the personal information you share. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.

Social media is a double-edged sword, offering immense benefits while posing significant challenges. By being mindful of its impact on our mental health, verifying information, and protecting our privacy, we can harness its power for good. Let's embrace the positive aspects of social media, connect with others meaningfully, and use it as a tool for personal growth and social change.

Monday, July 29, 2024

What is India House at the Paris Olympics?

Ok, so I was scrolling through Instagram, and guess what popped up? Nita Ambani’s announcement about India House at the Paris 2024 Olympics! Trust me, this is something every Indian should be super excited about.

What is India House?
So, what exactly is India House? Well, it’s a dedicated space at the Olympics where Indian culture, heritage, and sports will be showcased. Think of it as a mini-India right in the heart of Paris. From arts and crafts to culinary delights and sporting events, India House will have it all. It’s going to be a vibrant, bustling hub where fans, athletes, and visitors can immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Indian culture.

A Peek into the Future
Nita Ambani, the powerhouse behind this initiative, shared her vision in such a passionate and heartfelt manner. She talked about how India House is not just a place but a symbol of our country’s progress and aspirations. She highlighted that this is a step towards fulfilling the dream of hosting the Olympics in India someday. How cool would that be? I mean commonwealth games was good, but Olympics?

Cultural Extravaganza
One of the most exciting parts is the variety of experiences that India House promises to offer. There’s going to be everything from yoga sessions and traditional dance performances to delicious Indian food. Can you imagine watching a live Bharatanatyam performance while munching on some spicy samosas in Paris? It’s like taking a quick trip back home without leaving the Olympic grounds!

A Home Away From Home
For the Indian athletes competing in the Olympics, India House will be their sanctuary. A place where they can feel at home, celebrate their victories, and share their stories. It’s such a thoughtful gesture to create a supportive environment for our athletes who are miles away from home. And for the fans, it’s the perfect spot to cheer on our heroes and experience the thrill of the games together.

Celebrating 100 Years of Indian Olympics
Another goosebump-inducing fact is that India House will commemorate 100 years since India first competed in the Olympics under the IOA. It’s a celebration of our journey and achievements in the world of sports. It really gives you a sense of pride and makes you realise how far we’ve come.

Bringing the World to India
Nita Ambani mentioned that the logo of India House is inspired by the jharokha, which is a traditional Indian window. It’s symbolic of opening a window to India for the world. I absolutely love this concept! It’s like inviting everyone to peek into our vibrant culture, our traditions, and our way of life.

Building a Sporting Legacy
What’s even more inspiring is the broader impact of this initiative. By setting up India House, Reliance Foundation and the IOA are not just focusing on this one event. They are committed to empowering young athletes and supporting them with world-class infrastructure and opportunities. This move is all about building a legacy and ensuring that India continues to shine brightly in the global sporting arena.

Seeing this announcement filled me with so much pride and excitement. It’s not just about the Olympics; it’s about showcasing the best of India on a global stage and making our presence felt. Nita Ambani’s vision and dedication to this project are truly commendable. I can’t wait to see India House in action at the Paris 2024 Olympics, and I hope it brings India one step closer to hosting the Games in our own incredible country someday.

I will try and post more aboutit as things progress. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Visiting Loch Ness: Beyond the Monster Myth

Loch Ness – the name itself conjures images of misty waters and the elusive Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. But there’s so much more to this iconic Scottish loch than just mythical creatures. Nestled in the heart of the Highlands, Loch Ness offers a blend of natural beauty, history, and culture that’s hard to beat. Let’s dive into what makes a visit to Loch Ness truly special, beyond the monster myth.

A Scenic Marvel

First off, let’s talk about the loch itself. Stretching for 23 miles and holding more water than all the lakes in England and Wales combined, Loch Ness is a staggering sight. Its deep, dark waters are surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests, creating a picturesque setting that’s perfect for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Whether you’re taking a leisurely drive along its shores or hiking one of the many trails, the scenery is guaranteed to take your breath away.

Historical Treasures

While Nessie might steal the headlines, Loch Ness is steeped in history. One of the most striking landmarks is Urquhart Castle, perched on the loch’s western shore. This medieval fortress, with its dramatic ruins and panoramic views, is a must-visit. Wander through its ancient halls, imagine the battles that once raged here, and enjoy the spectacular views over the loch.

The Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition

To really understand the legend of Nessie and the history of the area, a visit to the Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition in Drumnadrochit is essential. This interactive museum takes you through the geological formation of Loch Ness, the history of the monster legend, and the various scientific investigations that have taken place over the years. It’s a fascinating way to spend an afternoon and provides a balanced perspective on the myth and reality of Loch Ness.

Boat Tours: Explore the Depths

No visit to Loch Ness would be complete without a boat tour. Several operators offer cruises on the loch, ranging from quick trips to extensive tours. These cruises often include sonar equipment to scan the depths of the loch, giving you a real-time look at what lies beneath the surface. Plus, the views from the water are unbeatable. Keep your camera ready – you never know when Nessie might make an appearance!

Nessie Souvenirs

No visit to Loch Ness is complete without picking up a charming Nessie-shaped souvenir. The cosy shops around the loch are filled with whimsical items that celebrate the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. From plush toys and keychains to mugs and figurines, these delightful keepsakes capture the magic and mystery of Nessie. Perfect for taking home a piece of the Highlands, these souvenirs make for a fun and memorable reminder of your adventure in this enchanting part of Scotland.

A Taste of the Highlands

After all that exploring, you’ll probably have worked up an appetite. The villages around Loch Ness, such as Drumnadrochit and Fort Augustus, offer charming pubs and restaurants where you can sample local Scottish fare. Think hearty stews, fresh seafood, and of course, a dram of whisky to warm you up. It’s the perfect way to end a day of adventure.

Outdoor Adventures

For those who love the great outdoors, Loch Ness is a playground. From kayaking and fishing to hiking and cycling, there’s no shortage of activities to keep you busy. The Great Glen Way, a long-distance trail that runs from Fort William to Inverness, passes by the loch and offers some stunning walking and cycling routes. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or just looking for a peaceful stroll, you’ll find something to suit your taste.

The Real Magic of Loch Ness

While the legend of Nessie adds a layer of mystery and excitement, the real magic of Loch Ness lies in its natural beauty and rich history. It’s a place where you can lose yourself in the landscape, connect with the past, and maybe, just maybe, catch a glimpse of something extraordinary. So, next time you find yourself in the Scottish Highlands, make sure to spend some time exploring Loch Ness – monster or no monster, it’s an experience you won’t forget.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Exploring the Scottish Highlands: A Road Trip Itinerary


The Scottish Highlands are a dream destination for anyone who loves stunning landscapes, rich history, and a touch of adventure. With its rugged mountains, shimmering lochs, and charming villages, a road trip through the Highlands promises memories that will last a lifetime. Buckle up and join me on an epic journey through one of the most breathtaking regions in the world.

Day 1: Inverness – The Gateway to the Highlands

Start your journey in Inverness, the cultural capital of the Highlands. Spend your morning exploring the city’s highlights, including the stunning Inverness Castle and the picturesque River Ness.

Must-See: Loch Ness

No trip to the Highlands is complete without a visit to the legendary Loch Ness. Just a short drive from Inverness, this famous loch is shrouded in mystery and beauty. Keep your eyes peeled for Nessie, the elusive Loch Ness Monster, as you enjoy a leisurely boat cruise or a scenic walk along the shore.

Day 2: Inverness to Ullapool – Scenic Splendour

Hit the road early and head west towards Ullapool, a charming fishing village on the shores of Loch Broom. The drive is nothing short of spectacular, with winding roads that offer panoramic views of the Highlands’ rugged beauty.

Stop: Rogie Falls

En route to Ullapool, make a pit stop at Rogie Falls. This stunning waterfall is easily accessible and offers a fantastic photo opportunity. If you’re lucky, you might even spot salmon leaping upstream during the autumn months.

Day 3: Ullapool to Isle of Skye – An Island Adventure

From Ullapool, continue your journey to the magical Isle of Skye. Known for its dramatic landscapes, Skye is a paradise for hikers, photographers, and anyone with a sense of wonder.

Highlight: The Fairy Pools

One of the must-visit spots on Skye is the Fairy Pools, a series of crystal-clear pools and waterfalls at the foot of the Black Cuillin mountains. The hike to the pools is relatively easy, and the scenery is straight out of a fairy tale.

Day 4: Isle of Skye – Exploring the Enchanted Isle

Spend a full day exploring the wonders of Skye. From ancient castles to breathtaking cliffs, there’s no shortage of sights to see.

Must-Visit: Dunvegan Castle

Dunvegan Castle, the ancestral home of the MacLeod clan, is a fascinating historical site. Tour the castle’s grand rooms, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and take a boat trip to see the local seal colony.

Day 5: Skye to Fort William – Through the Heart of the Highlands

Leave Skye behind and drive south to Fort William, the outdoor capital of the UK. This leg of the journey takes you through some of the most scenic parts of the Highlands, including the iconic Glenfinnan Viaduct.

Iconic Spot: Glenfinnan Viaduct

Harry Potter fans will recognize the Glenfinnan Viaduct as the route of the Hogwarts Express. Even if you’re not a fan, the sight of the steam train crossing the viaduct against a backdrop of stunning scenery is unforgettable.

Day 6: Fort William to Glencoe – A Landscape of Legends

A short drive from Fort William brings you to Glencoe, a valley known for its dramatic landscapes and tragic history.

Experience: Hiking in Glencoe

Glencoe offers some of the best hiking in Scotland. Whether you’re up for a challenging climb or a gentle stroll, the trails here provide breathtaking views at every turn. Don’t forget to learn about the Massacre of Glencoe, a dark but important chapter in Scottish history.

Day 7: Glencoe to Edinburgh – The Grand Finale

Wrap up your Highlands road trip with a drive to Edinburgh, Scotland’s enchanting capital. Take your time to savour the changing landscapes as you leave the Highlands and approach the city.

Final Stop: Edinburgh Castle

Before you end your adventure, visit Edinburgh Castle. Perched on a volcanic rock, the castle offers panoramic views of the city and a deep dive into Scotland’s history. It’s the perfect way to conclude your epic road trip.

There you have it – a road trip itinerary that takes you through the heart of the Scottish Highlands, showcasing the best this breathtaking region has to offer. So grab your map, start your engine, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Friday, July 26, 2024

A Whisky Lover’s Guide to Scotland’s Distilleries


Scotland is synonymous with whisky, a drink that’s woven into the very fabric of the nation’s history and culture. For those who appreciate the golden nectar, a trip to Scotland is akin to a pilgrimage. With over 130 active distilleries spread across the country, each offering its unique flavour profile and story, planning a whisky tour can be a daunting yet exhilarating task. Here’s a guide to some of the must-visit distilleries that will make any whisky lover’s heart sing (and liver groan).

The Regions and Their Characters

Scotland’s whisky is divided into five main regions, each with its distinct characteristics: Speyside, Highlands, Lowlands, Islay, and Campbeltown. Let’s take a closer look at what makes each region special.

Speyside: The Heart of Whisky Country

Nestled in the northeast of Scotland, Speyside is home to the highest concentration of distilleries in the country. Known for its smooth and complex single malts, Speyside is a paradise for whisky aficionados.

1. The Macallan Distillery

A visit to The Macallan is a must. Renowned for its rich, full-bodied whiskies, this distillery offers a state-of-the-art visitor experience. Take a tour of the impressive facility, learn about the intricate production process, and, of course, enjoy a tasting session. Don’t forget to say cheers (or “slàinte mhath” if you’re feeling fancy) to your fellow whisky enthusiasts.

2. Glenfiddich Distillery

One of the few remaining family-owned distilleries, Glenfiddich is famous for its innovative spirit and award-winning single malts. The tours here are comprehensive, guiding you through the entire whisky-making process, from barley to bottle. Don’t miss the chance to taste some of their rare and aged whiskies. Just try not to weep openly when you realise you can’t take them all home.

Highlands: The Diverse Giants

The Highlands region is the largest in Scotland, offering a diverse range of whisky styles. From light and floral to rich and peaty, there’s something for everyone.

3. Glenmorangie Distillery

Known for its tall stills and smooth, elegant whiskies, Glenmorangie is a Highland gem. The distillery tour is educational and engaging, providing insights into their unique production techniques. The tasting sessions are a highlight, featuring some of their finest expressions. Remember to savour every sip; there’s no rush in the Highlands!

4. Dalmore Distillery

Situated on the shores of the Cromarty Firth, Dalmore is famous for its bold, complex whiskies. The distillery’s history is as rich as its whisky, and the tour delves deep into its heritage. Enjoy a tasting of their signature malts, known for their deep, rich flavours and long, luxurious finishes. And try not to get too lost in the romance of it all.

Islay: The Peat Masters

Islay, an island off the west coast, is known for its heavily peated, smoky whiskies. If you love a dram with a punch, Islay is the place to be.

5. Lagavulin Distillery

Lagavulin’s 16-year-old whisky is legendary among peat lovers. The distillery itself is picturesque, located on the shore of Lagavulin Bay. The tour includes a visit to the warehouse and a tasting of their robust, smoky whiskies. Just remember to pace yourself – those peaty drams pack a punch!

6. Ardbeg Distillery

Ardbeg is a favourite for its intensely peaty whiskies. The distillery offers a warm welcome, with tours that are both informative and fun. The tasting sessions are a treat, featuring some of the peatiest drams you’ll ever taste. You might leave smelling like a bonfire, but hey, that’s part of the charm!

Lowlands: The Gentle Drams

The Lowlands produce lighter, more delicate whiskies, making them an excellent starting point for those new to whisky.

7. Auchentoshan Distillery

Auchentoshan’s triple-distilled whiskies are known for their smoothness and subtlety. The distillery tour covers the unique triple-distillation process, and the tasting sessions are perfect for those who appreciate a gentler dram. It’s like a warm hug in a glass, but without the awkward lingering.

8. Glenkinchie Distillery

Located just outside Edinburgh, Glenkinchie is a convenient stop for whisky lovers visiting the capital. The distillery produces light, floral whiskies, and the tour includes a visit to the distillation room and a tasting session in the cosy bar. Perfect for easing into your whisky journey without overwhelming your taste buds.

Campbeltown: The Historic Few

Once a thriving whisky hub, Campbeltown now has only a few active distilleries, but they produce some outstanding whiskies.

9. Springbank Distillery

Springbank is one of the oldest family-owned distilleries in Scotland, known for its traditional methods and complex whiskies. The tour is intimate and detailed, offering a rare glimpse into the craft of whisky-making. The tasting session includes some of their unique expressions, each with its character and depth. Just try not to look too smug when you tell your friends you’ve been there.

10. Glen Scotia Distillery

Glen Scotia produces a range of whiskies from light and grassy to rich and peaty. The distillery tour is informative, covering the history and production process. The tasting room is a highlight, offering a cosy setting to sample their diverse range of whiskies. You’ll leave with a newfound appreciation for Campbeltown’s whisky heritage and possibly a few new favourite drams.

Exploring Scotland’s distilleries is an adventure filled with rich flavours and fascinating history. So, grab your glass and embark on a journey through the heart of whisky country – slàinte mhath!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Exploring Edinburgh Castle: A Step Back in Time


Edinburgh Castle is not just a landmark; it’s the heart of Edinburgh’s history and a symbol of Scotland’s resilience. Perched atop Castle Rock, this fortress offers a journey through centuries of battles, royal intrigue, and architectural grandeur. Let’s take a step back in time and explore what makes Edinburgh Castle a must-visit destination.

The Majestic Entrance

As you approach the castle, you’re greeted by the grand esplanade, where parades and events like the famous Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo take place. The entrance itself is imposing, with statues of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace standing guard, reminding visitors of Scotland's warrior spirit. Walking through the gates, you can almost hear the echoes of ancient battles and royal proclamations.

A Fortress with a View

One of the first things you’ll notice is the breathtaking view. From the castle's ramparts, you can see the entire city of Edinburgh spread out below, with the Firth of Forth glistening in the distance. It’s a panorama that captures the essence of Edinburgh, from its medieval Old Town to the elegant Georgian New Town.

The Crown Jewels and Stone of Destiny

Inside, you’ll find the Crown Jewels of Scotland, including the spectacular crown, sceptre, and sword of state. These artefacts are a dazzling testament to Scotland's royal heritage. Nearby, the Stone of Destiny, used in the coronation of Scottish kings, sits proudly, having been returned to Scotland after centuries in England. It’s a symbol of national pride and a tangible link to the past.

The Great Hall

The Great Hall, with its impressive hammerbeam roof and collection of weapons and armour, offers a glimpse into the life of Scotland’s nobility. This hall was the setting for grand banquets and important meetings, and standing here, you can almost envision the lords and ladies of old feasting and plotting under its high ceilings.

The National War Museum

For history buffs, the National War Museum within the castle grounds is a treasure trove of military memorabilia. The museum chronicles Scotland's military history from the 17th century to the present day, showcasing everything from uniforms and medals to weapons and artwork. It’s a sobering reminder of the sacrifices made by Scottish soldiers over the centuries.

St Margaret’s Chapel

Don’t miss St Margaret’s Chapel, the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh, dating back to the 12th century. This small, serene chapel was built by King David I in memory of his mother, Saint Margaret of Scotland. It’s a peaceful spot that contrasts beautifully with the grandeur and might of the rest of the castle.

Mons Meg and the One O’Clock Gun

The castle is also home to Mons Meg, a gigantic medieval cannon that was capable of firing massive stones over two miles. This behemoth is an impressive sight and a testament to the engineering prowess of the time. Another must-see is the One O’Clock Gun, which has been fired almost every day since 1861 to help ships set their maritime clocks. Watching the gun being fired is a highlight for many visitors and a quirky piece of Edinburgh tradition.

The Prisoners of War Exhibition

Descend into the castle’s dungeons, and you’ll find the Prisoners of War exhibition. These dank, eerie spaces once held prisoners from various conflicts, including the Napoleonic Wars and the American Revolution. The exhibition provides a chilling insight into the harsh conditions endured by these prisoners and adds another layer of intrigue to the castle’s storied past.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Best Budget-Friendly Accommodations in Edinburgh


Edinburgh is a city that effortlessly blends history, culture, and modernity. From the majestic Edinburgh Castle to the bustling Royal Mile, there’s so much to see and do. But what if you’re travelling on a budget? Fear not, for Edinburgh has plenty of budget-friendly accommodations that will make your stay as delightful as it is affordable. Let's dive into some of the best options for saving those precious pounds while enjoying the beauty of Scotland's capital.

Hostels: A Backpacker’s Haven

When it comes to budget accommodations, hostels are the go-to choice for many travellers. Edinburgh offers a variety of hostels that are not only easy on the wallet but also rich in character and charm.

1. Castle Rock Hostel

Nestled just below Edinburgh Castle, Castle Rock Hostel offers a vibrant and friendly atmosphere. With its quirky decor and cosy common areas, it’s the perfect spot to meet fellow travellers. Prices start from as low as £12 per night for a dorm bed. Plus, you’re just a stone’s throw away from the Royal Mile and Grassmarket.

2. High Street Hostel

Located in a 16th-century building, High Street Hostel combines history with budget-friendly comfort. It’s situated right off the Royal Mile, so you’re in the heart of the action. The dorm beds are affordable, starting at around £15 per night. The hostel also offers free Wi-Fi and a communal kitchen, making it a great base for exploring the city.

Budget Hotels: Comfort Without the Cost

If you prefer a bit more privacy, Edinburgh has several budget hotels that won’t break the bank. Here are a couple of great options:

3. Travelodge Edinburgh Central

Travelodge is a trusted name when it comes to affordable accommodation. The Edinburgh Central location is ideal, just minutes away from the Old Town and the Royal Mile. Rooms are clean and comfortable, with rates often starting at around £40 per night if you book in advance. It’s perfect for budget-conscious travellers who still want the comforts of a hotel stay.

4. Ibis Budget Hotel Edinburgh Park

For those who don’t mind staying a bit further from the city centre, the Ibis Budget Hotel at Edinburgh Park is a great choice. With rooms starting at £35 per night, it offers modern amenities and easy access to public transport. You can reach the city centre in about 15 minutes by tram, making it a convenient yet economical option.

Guesthouses and B&Bs: A Home Away from Home

Guesthouses and B&Bs provide a more personal touch, often with the added bonus of a hearty Scottish breakfast. Here are a couple of budget-friendly picks:

5. Garlands Guest House

Situated in the Leith area, Garlands Guest House offers comfortable rooms and a warm welcome. Prices start at around £50 per night, which includes a delicious breakfast. The guesthouse is well-connected to the city centre by bus, making it a great base for exploring Edinburgh’s attractions.

6. Elder York Guest House

Located in the New Town, Elder York Guest House is a charming B&B with a range of room options. Rates start at approximately £45 per night, including breakfast. It’s within walking distance of many key sights, such as Princes Street and the Edinburgh Playhouse, providing a cosy and convenient stay.

Tips for Budget Travellers

To make the most of your trip to Edinburgh without overspending, here are a few additional tips:

  • Book in Advance: Many accommodations offer significant discounts for early bookings.
  • Travel Off-Season: Visiting during the shoulder seasons (spring and autumn) can help you find lower rates and avoid the crowds.
  • Use Public Transport: Edinburgh’s buses and trams are efficient and affordable. Consider purchasing a day pass for unlimited travel.
  • Explore Free Attractions: Edinburgh is home to many free attractions, including the National Museum of Scotland, the Royal Botanic Garden, and Arthur’s Seat.

Enjoy Edinburgh Without Breaking the Bank

Travelling to Edinburgh on a budget doesn’t mean you have to compromise on experience. With the right accommodation and a bit of savvy planning, you can enjoy everything this magnificent city has to offer. So pack your bags, book your stay, and get ready to explore Edinburgh without burning a hole in your pocket.

Happy travels!