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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Me: Bilingual

Warning: Strong language ahead

The other day I was cooking dinner and instead of using the microwave I decided to use the oven to make some nachos. It was a noble thought. 

I managed to cook them well then put the hot plate on the tray with an oven mitt taking the utmost care. Then being a professional numbnuts, 2.5 seconds later I moved that plate with my bare hand forgetting that it was burning hot. The plate, having a zero-tolerance policy towards all numbnuts, promptly burnt my fingers. It hurt. I screamed like a little girl. 

After yelling "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" for 37 seconds straight, I suddenly had an epiphany. Hey, I am bilingual!

Based on a story read long time ago, the language you use in times of emotional stress, that is, the language that you curse in, is your native language. So, now that I can curse both in Hindi and English when the chips are down, there is no denying the fact that I am bilingual. Hurray for me! 

Are you bilingual? I don't recommend my method of testing though. Save your skin, it's the only one you have. 


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