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Monday, August 22, 2011

Just Another Day!

That's what I have been telling myself since this morning. But the emails and messages from friends and family kind of bely my attempts. Actually the messages started last evening, when it struck midnight in India.

Yes, for all of you who know from previous years, today is my birthday but I have not been feeling very celebratory. There are two big reasons for that - one, having lost my father just 3 months ago, I don't feel up to celebrating anything lately. Two, last birthday I was at home with my parents and my kids (yes, I mean my nephews and nieces) and my close friends. This year I am stuck in England far from home! I do have some new friends and I could go out and celebrate with them, but they don't know and I don't tell.

Well, that's the sad part. The good part is that my kids are growing up and they don't let anyone at home forget my birthday.:) Also,I have been getting emails, texts, IMs, Facebook messages etc. etc. from all over the world to wish me. Even in this melancholy mood I cannot help being thankful that I have been blessed with wonderful friends and a loving family. And that is something that gets better every year!

Today is also Janmashtmi in India. That, as you know, is the only day in the year when I fast. But not when I am not in India. Still Krishna is my role model (can you guess why?) and I am glad that his birthday has coincided with mine this year. :)

So, Happy Janmashtmi, everybody! :)

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