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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 2


AITB said...

Hey, this is just a suggestion, but, if you have some free time, you should visit the GSMarena blog from time to time. It has some great tech news and with each article there is a Disqus comment area so people can comment on those articles. The articles are mostly about tech, but the blog is not limited to just tech (there's been a Skyfall movie review recently, for example). I showed your most popular blog post "Why iPhone sucks" to many people I know and it helped them change their minds about buying iPhone. There are some Apple fanboys there and I think you can help them. There are many helpful people on the blog that taught me some handy tips and tricks about Android, Windows etc. If you have free time, feel free to join the GSMarena blog.

That last sentence sounded like an ad.

Sunil Goswami said...


That's cool. I will try and check it out. Thanks for sharing my post, I am very happy to hear that it helped some people away from iPhone.

Cheers. :)